Prepare for unrestricted iPhone distribution

I’m picking up all kinds of signals that Apple is about to let loose with a storm of operator distribution deals.

It all started with Tim Cook’s comment in the last conference call:

Over the past year we have moved a number of markets from exclusive to non-exclusive. In each case as we have done that we have seen our unit growth accelerate and our market share improve

Now we are hearing of unrestricted iPhone distribution in France and today the rumor of T-Mobile picking it up in the US (which I always thought was more logical than Verizon).  There are other hints from the Nordic countries

Three to Carry iPhone 4 in UK | News | The Mac Observer observes that there will be five (!) UK carriers selling it.

In addition to the super-steep ramp of 88 countries launching in 3 months.

It looks like Tim pulled all the stops.

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