I began writing in February of 2010 but I moved to my own domain in June. More than 95% of my traffic came after June 1st (during which time 284 articles were written.)
Since then 270,036 visitors came to visit 592,351 times and saw 1,063,355 pages. 65,331 stopped by more than once. 337,270 of the visits came because someone told them about Asymco. 27,113 visits came because a search engine sent them. 1,548 of those who came had something to say and they said 5,273 things. Over 2,500 asked to keep in touch.
Here is the less lyrical breakdown of that traffic as reported by Google Analytics:
1,063,355 Pageviews
270,036 Unique Visitors
- 269,167 New Visitors
- 65,331 Returning Visitor
592,351 visits
- 337,270 from referring Sites (56.94%)
- 227,277 direct traffic (38.37%)
- 27,113 from search Engines (4.58%)
Views by operating system (top ten of 25):
- Macintosh 433,624
- Windows 271,938
- iPhone 201,940
- iPad 102,870
- Linux 19,898
- iPod 14,033
- Android 12,191
- (not set) 3,954
- SymbianOS 1,399
- BlackBerry 1,196
5,273 comments from 1,548 readers
1042 Twitter followers
248 Facebook “Like”
Approximately 1000 active RSS feeds
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