The Apple Investor’s Dilemma

While preparing for the 2023 Apple Investor Event, I looked at my presentations from the last such event. This was called the Apple Summit NYC and took place in August 2018, about 5 years ago.

We will review these graphs at the next event but I would like to post them here to get the conversation started. Keep in mind that the conversation at the time was very much oriented around whether Apple’s growth could continue.

The cash and cash equivalents showing generated cash had just topped $400 billion.

Apple was still providing guidance and their accuracy with those estimates was reviewed. Also, the growth and cyclicality due product launches and major upgrades.

Share price and EPS multiples.

Can you, off the top of your head, visualize these graphs today?

Join us at the Boston event to look back so we can look forward.

9:0010:00Welcome, Coffee, Donuts
10:0011:00Product & Services Review
11:0012:00Valuation Review (State of the Golden Goose)
12:0012:30Lunch (on-site)
12:3013:00Growth Potential (new products, services and business models)
13:0014:00Limitations (Saying No)
14:0015:00Externalities (Audience Participation)
15:0016:00How to Analyze Apple
16:0020:00Networking and Field Trip
Apple Investor Event Program

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