For every AT&T Android user there are 15 iPhone users: What will be the ratio at Verizon?

The following chart uses comScore data to show the relative consumption of Android vs. iOS by the subscribers of the four major US operators. I modified an original chart published by Silicon Alley Insider. A few observations:

How sticky is Android?

There is an assumption floating around the debates in this and other forums that the “battle” between mobile platforms is a land grab. The unspoken implication of this assumption is that once a user is captured she is permanently locked into the chosen platform never to move to another again as long as she lives. … Continue reading “How sticky is Android?”

The parable of the the PDA: predicting the smartphone's future

When reading the comments disputing the possible end of the voice-phone era I’m reminded of similar comments disputing the end of the PDA era. Although the Apple Newton pioneered the market in 1992 and John Sculley came up with the acronym, the Newton did not sell in significant volumes. It wasn’t until 1997 with the … Continue reading “The parable of the the PDA: predicting the smartphone's future”

The $85 Smartphone and the imminent extinction of non-smartphones

In a recent article I made the claim: My bet is that by the end of 2012, it will be hard to find any branded phones which won’t run a smartphone I also showed how pricing has evolved over the last three years. Two days later an article in Fortune’s Google24/7 blog highlighted the possible … Continue reading “The $85 Smartphone and the imminent extinction of non-smartphones”

Verizon Strikes Out in Smartphones [Updated]

[Updated] [ITG sent an explanation of their methodology and there is no indication that the data represents inside information.] ITG Investment Research analyst Matthew Goodman is forecasting monthly sales record for all of Verizon’s devices “based largely on our proprietary daily point-of-sale data from thousands of independent wireless retailers across the US.” Assuming the data … Continue reading “Verizon Strikes Out in Smartphones [Updated]”

Half of US population to use smartphones by end of 2011

60.7 million people in the U.S. owned smartphones during the three months ending in October, up 14 percent from the preceding three month period, representing 1 out of every 4 mobile subscribers.[…] Despite losing share to Android, most smartphone platforms continue to gain subscribers as the smartphone market overall continues to grow. via comScore Reports … Continue reading “Half of US population to use smartphones by end of 2011”

Android is accelerating smartphone adoption

According to Morgan Keegan analyst Tavis McCourt Chinese consumers purchased 8 to 10 million smartphones last quarter–implying 400% growth from the 2 to 3 million last year. How quickly things change. According to McCourt, Android now represents nearly 50 percent of smartphone volume in the country, up from zero last year. And Apple’s iOS, while … Continue reading “Android is accelerating smartphone adoption”

In three years Apple will still have a minority market share in smartphones

Morgan Stanley’s Web 2.0 update came out yesterday and it’s full of nice charts. Here is one: Note that the expectation for smartphones to overtake all PCs (including netbooks) will happen when smartphones sell more than 450 million units per year. In 2013 nearly 650 million smartphones are forecast to be shipped. My estimate for … Continue reading “In three years Apple will still have a minority market share in smartphones”

Is Android fragmented by design?

When I wrote about the absence of copyright enforcement on the Android marketplace, I was trying to point out that Google did not have the interests of copyright owners at heart. This attitutde is also apparent in many ways from the absence of desktop sync for Android (and hence the absence of discovery or acquisition of … Continue reading “Is Android fragmented by design?”