Where are the iPod touch knockoffs?

The latest iOS numbers and the new iPod touch launch demonstrate what a huge hit the iPod touch has become. It’s safe to assume that about half of all iPods, or between 4 and 5 million units in the current quarter, are sold as touch versions. The iPod touch has been around about as long … Continue reading “Where are the iPod touch knockoffs?”

LG says WP7 will outperform Android

LG has reportedly told Korean sources that “it expects WP7 to outperform the two rival smartphone operating systems” – one of these platforms is definitely Android (I’m not sure about the other platform LG is referring to; Symbian? iOS? BlackBerry?). via LG to bank heavily on Windows Phone 7, says WP7 will outperform Android » … Continue reading “LG says WP7 will outperform Android”

The race to a billion users

I took the venerable Consumer Platform Adoption Ramps chart and added Android and the latest data on iTunes, iPod and iOS. To make it more readable (but conceptually more complicated) I put the data on a log chart. Discussion The time span covered is nine and a half years. The top of the graph marks … Continue reading “The race to a billion users”

September Music Event: Just the numbers

300 Apple Stores 10 countries with Apple Stores >1 million store visitors some days 80k 1:1 sessions/week 120 million iOS devices sold to date 230k new iOS activations per day 6.5 Billion apps downloaded 200 apps downloaded every second 250k apps available on App Store 25k iPad apps available on App Store 275 million iPods sold … Continue reading “September Music Event: Just the numbers”

Quarterly Earnings Multiples: The new normal?

Based on the new iOS units numbers released I revised at the numbers for next quarter and it’s very probable that EPS will be over $5.25. As recently as 2007 Apple was priced 50x one year’s earnings. Now it’s priced 47x one quarter’s earnings. Should we consider applying old yearly earnings multiples to quarterly earnings as … Continue reading “Quarterly Earnings Multiples: The new normal?”

Dogfooding Asymco stats

Frequent readers of this blog know they’re in good company. There have been over 1000 comments in but a few months and, without any qualification, they have all been valuable. I’ve been delighted that contributing readers are not only civil and polite, but that they almost always move the intellectual level of the blog higher. … Continue reading “Dogfooding Asymco stats”

ADD this: Apple's Balance Sheet

Only on Asymco… Let your fingers do the walking through Apple’s income statements since FQ1 2005. Glide effortlessly through juicy bits of assets and liabilities. Slide your finger through nineteen quarters of financial goodness. A special bonus: included is a separate visualization of Apple’s liquid assets: cash, cash equivalents, Short-term marketable securities and Long-term marketable … Continue reading “ADD this: Apple's Balance Sheet”

Announcing Asymco Data Downloads

Much of what is published here relies on data, lots of data. It’s important that data be published along with conclusions, but data in spreadsheets is often difficult to read. Spreadsheets are not “productized” so they are hard to explain and therefore impossible to share. However, I am considering sharing the data I have in … Continue reading “Announcing Asymco Data Downloads”

Microsoft CIO on Android vs. iPhone: Windows Phone will dominate

The OS market in the mobile space is dominated by other players. Is that a cause of worry? I think it’s a temporary issue. I don’t put a lot of face and snapshot and time into what is going on. On a global basis, I see what is growing and what is shrinking. Text messaging … Continue reading “Microsoft CIO on Android vs. iPhone: Windows Phone will dominate”

HTC: How They Compare

In the last mobile market update series I wrote of  the evolution of market share, the shift in where dollars are spent, the tale of ASP erosion, profitability ratios over time and EBIT share over time. I did not include all vendors for various good reasons. The first survey (market share) did include an “others” category that made … Continue reading “HTC: How They Compare”