Android's Pursuit of the Biggest Losers

The mobile phone market is intertwined with the telecommunications industry which is vast and there are numerous competitors which are much more dynamic and better capitalized than the moribund PC or music player vendors. It’s also a regulated and fragmented global market with 1.2 billion units and 5 billion consumers—far greater than any of the … Continue reading “Android's Pursuit of the Biggest Losers”

The parable of the transistor

This weblog could be read as a diary of the disruption of the mobile industry. There is lots of topical analysis and opinion, but sometimes I’ll post on the “theory” which describes what’s going on in a more abstract, and long-term, level. Theory is like a bullion cube: savory, but too concentrated to be enjoyed … Continue reading “The parable of the transistor”

Canalys: Android global share rises to 16% of smartphones in Q1 [Updated]

According to Canalys: Usual disclaimers apply: Only sell-through (i.e. not exact numbers that companies report as sold, i.e. excluding inventory in the channel) Other includes Symbian devices not sold by Nokia, Microsoft Windows Mobile and various Linux, WebOS iOS includes only phones, no iPads, no iPod touch, similarly Android includes only phones Some of these … Continue reading “Canalys: Android global share rises to 16% of smartphones in Q1 [Updated]”

Apple's Cash Update

During the last quarter, the company added $4.1 billion in cash to reach a total of $45.839 billion or $49.43 per fully diluted share.  This is divided into three types of holdings (long- and short-term marketable securities and cash equivalents). Some (most?) financial reporting services do not include long-term marketable securities in their databases. This … Continue reading “Apple's Cash Update”

3Q review: The iPod revenues increase again

The iPod touch increased sales 48% year-over-year.  The continuing mix shift toward iPod touch resulted in an overall iPod ASP increase of 12% to $164 (up from $143) generating total iPod revenue growth of 4%. Units declined 7.9%, inline with my expectations of -8%. I had forecast 9.40 and the actuals was 9.406 million. I … Continue reading “3Q review: The iPod revenues increase again”

RIMM near 52 week low

RIMM shares dropped more than 5% after hours after company reported “light” units and a 20% rise in profit with a 24% rise in revenue. RIMM sold 11.2 million units (of which 4.9 million were new subscribers and the rest replacement units–a deterioration in replacement rate). This represents 43% growth. The unit growth is nearly … Continue reading “RIMM near 52 week low”

Why I think Apple wants everybody to have an iPhone

In recent entries I asked: Can the iPhone reach 10% of the world’s 3G subscribers? and  Can iPhone reach 20% of global smartphone market? These were rhetorical questions designed to demonstrate that a growth rate of 50% (compounded) over three years was clearly possible through reduction to absurdity of alternative scenarios. The question of iPhone … Continue reading “Why I think Apple wants everybody to have an iPhone”

Android vs. Google Part III

Revised language for section 3.3.9 of Apple’s developer agreement, concerning the use of data collection: The collection, use or disclosure is for the purpose of serving advertising to Your Application; is provided to an independent advertising service provider whose primary business is serving mobile ads (for example, an advertising service provider owned by or affiliated with … Continue reading “Android vs. Google Part III”

Safari claims 200 million installed base, WebKit at 500 million

Safari continues to lead the pack in performance, innovation and standards support,” said Philip Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Product Marketing. “Safari now runs on over 200 million devices worldwide and its open source WebKit engine runs on over 500 million devices via AppleInsider | Apple releases Safari 5 with extensions, expanded HTML5 … Continue reading “Safari claims 200 million installed base, WebKit at 500 million”

asymco | One Hundred Million

My prediction is that sometime next year Apple will announce the 100 millionth iPhone OS device sold, making the iPhone the fastest selling platform in history. The iPhone will have been on the market for three years. via asymco | One Hundred Million. Steve Jobs today: “This month we will sell the 100 millionth iOS … Continue reading “asymco | One Hundred Million”