Smartphones taking over in mobile gaming

Smartphones are upturning the mobile gaming market, comScore found in a study today. The number of players on iPhones and other smartphones has jumped 60 percent in the past year to almost 21.4 million and has cut deeply into the portion of those using regular cellphones. Their numbers dropped a sharp 35 percent over the same period to just 29.5 million.

via Smartphones taking over in mobile gaming | Electronista.

More data from Flurry analytics here.

Other game platforms vs. iPhone catalogs here.

iPhone OS games 5% of all games and 19% of mobile games

Apple’s App Store has grabbed 5 percent of the roughly $10 billion a year U.S. gaming industry, with revenue for games increasing from $115 million in 2008 to $500 million from 2008 and 2009, according to a new report from Flurry Analytics, which helps mobile application developers make money.

link: IPhone games hit $500M, taking share – San Francisco Business Times:

Game Platforms vs. iPhone

The number of games per platform. All approximate.

  • Nintendo DS 600
  • Sony PS3 600
  • Microsoft Xbox 700
  • Sony PSP 700
  • Nintendo Wii 1000
  • Google Android 3,000
  • iPhone/iPod touch 22,000

If IDC prediction of 300,000 iPhone Apps by end of next year holds and if the ratio is preserved at about 20% games, then there could be 60,000 games on the Apple platform by next year. It’s doubtful that the other platforms will grow by more than 10% in the same time frame. Are there any implications if one game platform has more titles than another? It’s interesting that all the other platforms are in the same order of magnitude.
